Star Wars: A Galactic Saga of Heroes and Villains
Star Wars, also known as "The Galaxy's Greatest Epic," is a globally celebrated franchise originally envisioned by American filmmaker George Lucas. Since 2012, it has been produced and distributed by The Walt Disney Company. Set in a captivating fictional galaxy, the saga unfolds the lives of extraordinary characters who engage with "The Force," a mystical energy field influenced by emotions like anger, fear, and hatred, manifesting its ominous "dark side."
Jabba the Hutt: The Galaxy's Most Notorious Crime Lord
Jabba the Hutt, the most feared gangster in the galaxy, famously placed a bounty on Han Solo, adding an unforgettable twist to this epic tale.
Exclusive Commemorative Gold-Plated Medal
- Striking 44mm medal, plated in 24-carat gold and vividly colored with 4-color technology.
- Features the iconic Star Wars logo engraved on the obverse side.
This official, exclusive Star Wars collectible is a must-have for fans and collectors alike.